Sorrryyyyy i'm so shitty at this blog thingy..
Lots of things have been going on recently which is a good thing. I've recently moved SAFFF London, Vauxhall to be more precise. Yes I know I'm very near Fire and RVT (I also know I should of been born a gay man DAMIT). Yup I got myself a lovely two bedroom flat which is all mine mortgage and all!!
I've been so busy with vintage and styling today is my first proper day off in months. Hence the reason why I am gracing you lot with my presence.
Soooo what have I been doing....Well...Cellardoor spring fling has come out now so mine and James Frew's shoot is in there. Also First Car is out with my Skins shoot!! Which is great!!
I also shot for American magazine Dujour which I was very excited about..I've also been asked by Disorder magazine to do a shoot. So i'm currently prepping for that..I did Zara Carpenter's Chatham girl look book shoot. Which was AMAZING!!
I'm now going into Bonafides Summer issue so I'm coming up with ideas for that as this issue I'm now styling all the artists which is cool..I've also been asked to come back and do a shoot for Cellardoors Summer issue and there is a posability for me to shoot there cover. Which I'm very excited about.
There is also a possibility that I might be shooting for a very big magazine..But I cannot tell you just yet..
Well thats all for now..adios..