So i've been rather busy lately..With shooting for Cellardoor and doing bits for Bonafide and then shooting SKINS!! After many weeks of prepping yesterday the shoot with some of the cast from Skins happened..Which I think went down a treat!! The girls were lovely!! SOOOO SWEET!!
Also another treat for me yesterday was to drive the brand new Nissan Cube (which is in the pics with Skins) around London which was really strange as it's not even out yet and people were staring at me whilst I was driving..It was a fun little drive tho..
I'm gonna put some pics up from my adventures of yesterday!! And also a sneek peak of what's to come out in Cellardoor!!
Other exciting news is that i'm moving to Vauxhall oh yea!! Got mi self a lovely little flat up there which I should be moving into in the next couple of weeks so i'm trying to back my flat up in North London which is starting to become a bit boring lol!! But I gotta think of the bigger picture..
Hope you like it!!