Oh my god i'm so sorry!! I've been rather shit in the past couple of months with updating my blog. But I have found time to set down and get the old girl (laptop) out to update ya'll on whats been going on..
First of all HAPPY NEW YEAR chickens!! Got any good new years resolutions??
Second of all I'd like to say Bonafide magazine is out now..I think you should all BUY IT!! It's only £4 and thats a deal a steal if ever I did say so myself! Here's the website just in case you don't know it!! www.bonafidezine.com/ This issue has come out so amazingly well as we've changed our format and everything!! In which I don't know if I've mentioned i've managed to gain the lovely title of Fashion Editor of this cult classic of a mag!!
Soo..what else has been going on..Oh I shot for lovely online magazine Cellardoor www.cellardoormagazine.co.uk/ in which i'll post up some sneeky pics of within this blog!! I feel that this is the best shoot i've ever done in my whole entire life!! In which I used an amazingly talented women who designs and makes the most beautiful hats called Chatham Girl (http://www.etsy.com/shop/zaracarpenter) I also managed to shoot an Emma Bell piece which was GREAT!!
The shoot was shot by the lovely Mr James Frew!! Love him!! Even tho he's Scottish!!
I've managed to nab myself a shoot with part of the cast of Skins for a front cover and little editorial in a mag which is amazing so happy about that!! That's gonna be happening within the next couple of weeks!!
Oh best of all I've got my self a lovely assistant..he's amazing..I don't know what I do with out him (well other then doing all my returns)..You know who you are you lovely boy!!
Hmm what else..Oh there might be a shoot in pipe line for Disorder magazine which i'm tres excited but can't talk about it much as its rather hush hush!!
I've become addicted to twitter if you wish to follow my random tweets my username is JadeStavri
Also how amazing/annyoing was that snow!! Thought i'd show you pic of what it was like up my endz in LDN!! It was DEEP!!
I was also on the train after a meeting and saw this woman in which I thought fuck it i'll take a picture as I think it should be put as an anti drinking thing lol!
So yea I think thats it for now..I promise I will write again soon!!
Adios xxx