Hey all,
So I haven't written in a while due to the fact i've had a lot going on (and no internet)..I've recently moved to London it will be a month next week that i've been in the big city (back home). I love being back!! Never wanna go back to Kent!!
I've recently done a shoot for Bonafide Magazine which was amazing I did a shoot based around 1980's hip hop in NYC but I did it with my own little twist. Had two amazing models Laura from First Model Managment and Manni who was recomened to me by a friend. We shot in Pebble Dash Gallery in Dalston which was such a lovely place to shoot and a guy called Yev shot it. I luckly had the make up artist of my dreams Mrs Queenbarrows (who is like my mum) to help me on the shoot as well.
Have a sneek peak at the pictures the shoot will becoming out in Bonafides October Issue which I cannot wait to see its an amazing magazine.
I've also been keeping busy by doing Scarlet Rage (my vintage stall) which i've been doing nearly every sunday down in Brighton as well. Hopefully I'll be doing Spitalfields next Thursday so if your around come get yourself a Bargain.
Tonight I went to the famous haunt of the Hawley Arms in Camden with Andi and Thom then had dinner in my new fav restraunt Hi Sushi!!
So yea for now thats all i got hope you like the sneak peak pictures??