Sorry it's been a while since I've last blogged, but it's been rather hectic have got the results of my final major project and I'm not a happy bunny at all..Feel rather misguided and pissed off with amount of time and effort it put into that project. Maybe I should of done fuck all and just handed in shit maybe I would of got a better grade!?! Lets just say i'll be appealing like a mother fucker and UCA ROCHESTER - FASHION DEPARTMENT can all kiss my ass!! Use less uni!! Wish I never said fashion promotion was a good course because it isn't. It's un organised and un professionally run!! Who really lets unqualified tutors mark your work..Oh UCA does!! If your reading my blog and want to come to UCA DON'T!!
So onwards and upwards..I've got my first two paid shoots as a stylist and i'm sooo excited. I've been prepping and budgting like a queen! I can only give you a brief description as I cannot lift the lid. One is a fashion story & one is a shoot with some funny boys (Bus Wankers)!!
I've also started re buying vintage as i'm going to be doing more stalls and starting up LOVES VINTAGE again!! So watch this space. Hopefully i'll be doing Frockmevintage in Chelsea.
But i've got a new project for this blog i'm gonna start taking my camera with me everywhere and start taking photos of people that i think are cool..As i was working down in Hastings Old Town last week and saw some really cool kids and wished i'd had my camera with me. So what this space!!
ALSO THIS SUMMER WILL SEE..a club night from myself and Sandy..Its gonna be madness!! Dates to be confirmed but its gonna hopefully be held in the East End yea boy back to my roots!!
Also hopefully i'll be shooting a cool second year designers work from Westminster!! Thats gonna be wicked!!